Addiction Treatment Resources

We are committed to helping educate our communities and break the stigma of addiction. The information below exists to help provide information on drug addiction and treatment for drug and alcohol abuse.  There is no commitment required to speak with a Silver Ridge admissions specialist about your treatment options.

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, don’t hesitate to call our caring staff at (855) 945-7788.


Pyramid Healthcare Webinar

Jessie Alexander is the Vice President of Clinical Services and Quality Management at Silver Ridge. She has worked in trauma-specific, gender-specific, and developmentally-specific therapeutic settings in her career providing treatment and program management for the adolescent, young adult, and midlife adult populations.

Recently, Jessie presented a webinar talking about Pyramid Healthcare programs and using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) during COVID-19.

Please note: This recorded session is not eligible for CE credits

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