Are We Overlooking Addiction Among Older Adults?
554 words|2.8 min read|When you picture someone who’s struggling with addiction, grandma or grandpa probably don’t come to mind. However, substance abuse is a growing concern among [...]
Attachment-Based Therapy in Addiction Treatment
545 words|2.7 min read|Attachment-based therapy is a form of short-term counseling that aims to improve a person’s ability to develop or rebuild trust and connection within personal relationships. [...]
Codependency: Is Your Partner Enabling You?
552 words|2.8 min read|A motivation to help others, especially people we care for, is a normal aspect of human interaction and is arguably necessary to being a healthy [...]
Athletes and Aging: Coping With Retirement
556 words|2.8 min read|Going into retirement can be a daunting experience that leads to mental, emotional and physical challenges and changes in a person’s daily life. It means [...]
If I’m Addicted, Do I Need to Worry About My Children Developing an Addiction?
580 words|2.9 min read|Many conditions and diseases have a genetic component and tend to run in families, and addiction is a good example. Some families are ravaged [...]