• Friends looking at pictures on smart phone, having fun, portrait.

    How Trauma-Informed Care Can Help You Recover from Addiction

    753 words|3.8 min read|

    We all have things from our past that impact us. The experiences of some individuals are more severe than others and influence their lives every [...]

  • View of the synapses. Brain connections. Neurons and synapses. Communication and cerebral stimulus. Neural network circuit, degenerative diseases, Parkinson. 3d render

    How to Rewire Your Own Brain and Why It’s Worth It

    836 words|4.2 min read|

    Your brain is a whole lot more complex than you might think. In fact, if you were looking for the part of your body most [...]

  • Asian old senior workout exercise and doing yoga at home

    The Positive Effects of Utilizing Holistic Healing’s Concepts in Therapy

    900 words|4.5 min read|

    Picture a skyscraper office building, bustling with people scheduling and attending meetings, making pitches, going back to the drawing board, scrolling through email, making copies [...]

  • Two African American female friends hugging

    Is There a Link Between Pain and Addiction?

    707 words|3.5 min read|

    Following a severe surgery or injury, or in the case of a chronic condition known for causing intense pain in the patient, doctors have the [...]

  • A close-up of a smiling senior couple. The man and woman are wearing light blue shirts and are seated. The woman is in front of the man, and the man's hands are embracing her shoulders. Out-of-focus bushes are visible in the background.

    What Can Make a Person Change?

    804 words|4 min read|

    People are motivated to change all the time. In fact, changing our behavior is something we learn from a very young age. Babies learn to [...]