Early recovery is a challenging time, but it’s one filled with important and exciting revelations about yourself, your addiction and your life. Here are five must-read books about addiction recovery you can keep on your nightstand to give you a little extra inspiration as you learn to navigate your new life of sobriety.
1. 12 Stupid Things That Mess Up Recovery: Avoiding Relapse Through Self-Awareness and Right Action by Allen Berger, Ph.D.
It’s sometimes said that quitting drugs or alcohol is easy, but staying quit is hard. This excellent book by addiction expert Allen Berger, Ph.D., delves into the world of relapse and the most common thoughts, attitudes and beliefs that can quickly lead you there. These include:
- Believing that life should be easy.
- Confusing self-care with selfishness.
- Not getting help working through relationship problems.
- Not being completely honest.
- Believing sobriety will fix everything that’s wrong in your life.
This easy-to-read book is frank and sprinkled with humor. It’s a great read for those in treatment or early recovery, offering practical tips and strategies for changing the way you think about addiction and sobriety.
2. Natural Rest for Addiction: A Radical Approach to Recovery Through Mindfulness and Awareness by Scott Kiloby
Mindfulness and self-awareness are essential tools for successful addiction recovery. This book is a step-by-step guide for tapping into your present-moment awareness and letting go of worry and fear that can hold you back in recovery.
The book discusses the underlying causes of addiction, including stress, a history of trauma, mental illness and destructive beliefs. It helps you gain a deeper understanding of underlying causes and triggers through a process of self-inquiry that leads to inner peace, freedom from harmful thoughts and a higher sense of well-being.
3. Loving Someone in Recovery: The Answers You Need When Your Partner Is Recovering from Addiction by Beverly Berg MFT, Ph.D.
Addiction is a family disease, according to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. When a loved one enters recovery, the whole family enters recovery. Understanding the mechanics of addiction and recovery and how to best support a loved one in their quest for sobriety improves their chances of success.
While most books about addiction recovery focus on the person with an addiction, this book addresses the roles partners play in recovery and can help you and your significant other improve communication, promote emotional stability in your relationship and establish healthy boundaries for a better relationship. A number of practical exercises address a variety of common issues faced by couples in recovery to help improve romantic relationships by rebuilding trust and intimacy.
4. Alcohol: Top Ten Cravings Busters by Catherine Mason Thomas
While you can find numerous books about addiction recovery, few specifically address the most potent relapse trigger: cravings. This short, easy read is full of practical tips and strategies for coping with cravings.
While the focus of this inspiring book is on recovery from alcohol addiction, it can apply to cravings of any kind. From the self-talk strategy to the experience-the-craving strategy, you’ll learn new, effective ways to combat that inner voice that says you can’t survive another minute without drugs or alcohol.
5. Rewired: A Bold New Approach to Addiction and Recovery by Erica Spiegelman
This book takes a holistic approach to fighting addiction and improving your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being through honesty, gratitude, self-awareness, and authenticity. Addiction affects every corner of your life. This book offers tools for navigating the challenges life throws your way during recovery, and it provides strategies for overcoming negative and unhealthy thought and behavior patterns that can lead to relapse.
Books About Addiction Recovery Keep You Inspired
Reading and re-reading helpful books about addiction recovery can make a big difference in your level of commitment to sobriety. Make a cup of tea, curl up and delve into one of these uplifting, encouraging books to gain some new perspectives and get practical, actionable tips and advice for maintaining a successful recovery. Don’t be afraid to break out the highlighter so that you can look back and find those parts that resonate with you when you need a quick dose of inspiration.
- http://www.npr.org/books/titles/138005454/12-stupid-things-that-mess-up-recovery-avoiding-relapse-through-self-awareness-a
- https://www.amazon.com/Natural-Rest-Addiction-Mindfulness-Awareness-ebook/dp/B01LVTO4XJ/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1497285408&sr=1-1&keywords=Natural+Rest+for+Addiction%3A+A+Radical+Approach+to+Recovery+Through+Mindfulness+and+Awareness
- https://www.ncadd.org/family-friends/there-is-help/family-disease
- https://www.amazon.com/Rewired-Bold-Approach-Addiction-Recovery-ebook/dp/B00N6PBBCM/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1497284719&sr=8-4&keywords=addiction