Recognizing the need to attend drug addiction treatment is difficult, and committing to a treatment program can be even harder. However, despite the conflicting emotions one might feel, the benefits of drug addiction treatment for individuals battling substance use far outweigh the lures of addiction. Through benefits like personalized treatment plans, support from counselors and community, and motivated perseverance on the part of the client, recovery is possible.
1. Change in perspective
Sometimes with drug addiction, individuals fall into cyclical thinking where they might desire a change, but don’t believe they’re worthy of it or that it will actually stick. So they might end up retreating back to old, damaging habits again and again. This is not an uncommon method of thinking when caught in the ropes of addiction, but is definitely one addressed during treatment.
Addiction treatment provides a new perspective to individuals, helping them learn to confront and reorder disoriented patterns of thinking. It promotes a desire for change, a new self-awareness and a complementary sense of self-control whereby clients can begin to handle addiction in a healthy, knowledgeable manner.
2. Break the cycle
Cyclical thinking leads to repetitive behavior, meaning repeated, unhealthy actions resulting from disordered thinking. Not to mention the fact that addictive substances like drugs and alcohol physically alter the chemical makeup of the brain, making it difficult to break out of the cycle of addiction on one’s own.
Through therapy techniques like – cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy and even trauma-informed therapy – clients are guided through the necessary steps to reorder their thinking and begin breaking the cycle of addiction.
3. Gain awareness and understanding
A major benefit of drug addiction treatment is the ability of the individual to be educated on their addiction. Some individuals might find themselves wondering how their addiction grew to such a severe level, they might not know the psychological effects of drugs or have very little understanding of the long term effects substance use has on the body. Addiction treatment educates individuals on the truth of their condition, helping them to desire change in behavior through a deeper understanding of the benefits of recovery and the dangers of a life dictated by addiction.
4. Grow in confidence
Substance use treatment helps individuals not only desire a change in lifestyle, but offers them the opportunity to make recovery their own. They work closely with the psychologist and therapist on staff to design a treatment plan that meets their needs and goals so that treatment isn’t just forced on them, it’s chosen by them as a means of bettering themselves.
This can have an immense impact on one’s confidence, allowing them to claim recovery as their own. It can provide a reminder of why they embarked down the path to recovery initially and prevent relapse in the long run.
5. Address co-occurring disorders
Co-occurring disorder is the term used when drug addiction appears in conjunction with or as a result of a mental health condition, or vice versa. For example, an individual might use drugs as a means of coping with depression or anxiety; on the other hand, one might develop depression or anxiety as a result of falling into a pattern of drug use they feel incapable of escaping.
Proper, lasting treatment doesn’t address one condition and hope the other magically goes away, it addresses and treats both co-occurring disorders.
6. Productive coping mechanisms
Drugs and alcohol commonly link themselves with stress and anxiety as a means of numbing. Referred to as an unhealthy coping mechanism, they tend to be quick fixes to much larger problems that are difficult, uncomfortable or downright overwhelming.
Addiction treatment helps individuals recognize these thoughts and motivations that lead them to cope unhealthily with substance use and instead train them to veer towards healthier, more productive coping behaviors. This not only prevents the regular occurrence of substance use, but over time builds a resilient spirit that finds it easier to say no and choose health instead.
7. Community
Many clients who have seen treatment through to the end swear by the importance of close community as an integral part in their recovery. Whether it be a close relationship with one’s counselor, bonds of friendship built with others in the treatment program or a rekindling and healing of old relationships with friends and family, a strong support system not only eases the load of recovery, but gives clients a strong foundation on which to continue persevering.
Seeking drug addiction treatment
The benefits of drug addiction treatment are numerous, but the greatest one is the promise of a life of freedom and relief. This is not to say that there won’t be trials and difficulties, because there will be, but with the support and education of the treatment program, clients will be better equipped to continue living a recovered life than ever before.
To learn more about Silver Ridge Recovery’s addiction treatment programs, contact us today at 855-945-7788.