When an adult struggles with substance abuse, one of the biggest challenges they face is accepting that they need help and then taking the first steps toward entering into a drug or alcohol addiction treatment program. While this is a brave and important decision for a person to make, it can also be a scary one, especially if it is their first time seeking treatment and they are unaware of how the process will go.
In an effort to quell some of the fears that you or a loved one may be feeling, it can be beneficial to research and discuss the expectations that a rehab program will set for a person, as well as the expectations one must set for themselves in order for the treatment to be successful.
While there are different programs that can provide various treatment modalities and therapies, these are generally some things you can expect upon entering into addiction treatment.
What to Know Before Entering Into Addiction Treatment
Setting Yourself Up for Success
A common fear among adults is that they will not be able to beat their addiction even if they enter into substance abuse treatment. While it does take a good effort on your part, there are also things you can do to set yourself up for success from the beginning.
Choose a Program Suited to Your Needs
Not all addiction treatment programs are made equally. It’s often best to find a program that suits your specific needs — for example, one that focuses specifically on helping those in your age group or with the specific substance you struggle with.
Accept the Recommended Treatment Time
The length of addiction treatment programs can vary depending on your unique circumstance and needs. Short-term programs can last 28 to 30 days, while long-term programs can last for 60 days, 90 days, six months, or more.
Oftentimes, a counselor or therapist will offer a recommendation for how long you should remain in treatment in order to best address your substance use and allow for a long-lasting recovery. It is best to remain in treatment for as long as recommended.
Go in with a Good Mind
As you enter into treatment, it’s essential to do so with the intention of following guidelines and making changes in your life. If you want to have a successful recovery, promise yourself that you will participate in all therapies and activities planned for you and that you will try your hardest to maintain what you learned even outside of treatment.
Understanding the Rules
Since your counselors and therapists want you to have a successful recovery experience, there are likely going to be rules you will have to follow during your time in rehab.
These can include:
Attend all planned sessions and activities
No cell phones or computers
No TV or movies
Romantic relationships with other residents are discouraged
Visitors are limited at first
While these may seem frustrating, these are in place for your benefit; other activities are provided to take up free time.
Pack Accordingly
While most substance abuse treatment centers will provide you with the basics for the duration of your stay — bedding, linens, pillows, laundry facilities, and meals — there are still a few things you’ll need to bring yourself.
At Silver Ridge, we recommend that our clients bring:
Enough clothing for seven days
Any prescription medications in the original bottle with the matching label
Personal hygiene items such as shampoo, conditioner, shaving supplies, toothbrush and toothpaste, dental floss, and deodorant
$50.00 in cash or prepaid Visa card
Understanding What Rehab Will Address
While you may think that you’re entering into addiction treatment to get control of your drinking or substance use, it goes much deeper than that. In fact, inpatient addiction treatment aims to address the underlying causes that made you turn to drugs and alcohol in the first place.
Through a variety of treatment modalities, you will work with your therapist to address issues such as:
Stresses brought on by everyday life, financial problems, or familial struggles
Feelings of inadequacy or mental health disorders
Lingering trauma
Learning What Treatment Modalities are Available
Since every adult has unique needs and responds differently to various therapies, addiction programs will often offer a number of treatment modalities to help you beat substance abuse. At Silver Ridge, we take a holistic approach to treating addiction and offer programs such as:
Interacting with and caring for horses has proven to be a beneficial step for many people recovering from addiction since the interaction with them can grow one’s own self-awareness.
Studies have shown that meditation can actually change the structure of the brain so that it can better handle stress and anxiety.
Creating a steady meal routine that consists of healthy, nutritious meals can be a valuable asset to addiction recovery to help rebuild the body’s vitamin and mineral intake.
Yoga serves as a natural method of managing stress and other mental health symptoms, in turn reducing the temptation to turn to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism.
Address Your Substance Abuse in North Carolina
At Silver Ridge, we focus on making the admissions process as efficient and convenient as possible. We work with you to ensure that we can provide the care and attention you need by starting with a brief, confidential assessment.
We provide the perfect setting to focus on the addictions compromising your relationships, your future, and your legacy.
There is no commitment required to speak with a Silver Ridge admissions specialist about your treatment options. Contact us today at (855) 945-7788 to begin your journey.